Our Issues
For Our Future WI builds progressive power through voter engagement, issue advocacy, and community organizing to create shared economic prosperity, strengthen public education, advance social and racial justice, and preserve the environment.
Shared Economic Prosperity
We’re committed to supporting champions of working families in office and helping to elect more. And we aim to cultivate community power for our shared prosperity.
And we’re committed to strengthening Social Security and Medicare, championing equal pay for equal work, and fighting for the $15 minimum wage.
Strong Public Education
We partner with Wisconsin educators to advocate for strong public schools. Our partners include teachers’ unions and alliances of parents, teachers, and school administrators.
Social and Racial Justice
Standing up for justice and equality, while working hard to promote candidates and policies that better the lives of all Wisconsinites. Some examples of that include: Sharing the true stories of the Kenosha protests
Promoting President Biden’s Agenda like the Inflation Reduction Act which will remove lead pipes from around our state, making drinking water safer for all Wisconsin residents.
We want to see meaningful criminal justice reform, a restoration of the Voting Rights Act and ending the school to prison pipeline. Join us to make all that a reality.
Preserving the Environment
Promoting the Governor’s priorities to remove PFAS from water across the state. Working with Wisconsin Conservation Voters and LCV to promote environmental issues that the Governor and Legislative Dems- along with President Biden- are promoting across the state.
Ways to Get Involved
Join us and fight for the issues Wisconsinites care about.